Sunday, January 2, 2011

{challenge: accepted}

While brainstorming resolutions for 2011, challenging myself to eat more than a lean cuisine for lunch and/or dinner (yes, there were many of these such two-a-day occasions last year) immediately came to mind. 

It's not that I don't love to eat.  It's one of my top three favorite activities in fact, so here's a shout out to mom and dad for the quick metabolism (woop woop!).  If the saying "you are what you eat" really was true, I'd be in major trouble.  It's not even that I dislike cooking slash baking.   Mostly, it's just easier to buy one item (or ten if there's a sale) for $2.49 each and have a whole meal ready in six minutes or fewer than it is to plan out menus for which the prerequisites are 3+ elusive spices I'll never use again and a mess in the kitchen.  Oh, and I've never been very good at eating leftovers, so it seems like a waste of time (not to mention money) when I make any kind of multi-serving dish.

All that said, I l.o.v.e. cooking shows (thanks to big sis for turning me on to Barefoot Contessa in recent years -- she's the cat's pajamas) and the satisfaction received from planning, preparing, and finally enjoying a well-made and delicious meal.  So, what I determined from all this brainstorming is that the only thing standing between me and scrumdiddlyumptious meals in 2011 is a little motivation.  Well, what do ya know?  It's resolution season.  Game on.

: try a new recipe each week (or so) for the duration of 2011 (52 in toto) and blog about each one (the good, the bad, and the ugly- no cheating!)
Contestant: me, myself, and I

Stay tuned.  This could be awesome.  And it definitely will be messy.

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