Thursday, April 14, 2011

{looks great! little full, lotta sap!}

Disclaimer: this blog post has nothing at all to do with the happiness challenge.  That being said, last night was one of the coolest/happiest nights of my life, so I think I've earned the right to brag blog about it.

Last night in DC, the National Wildlife Federation celebrated its 75th Anniversary with a big fancy gala (a cougar cub, golden eagle, and wallaby all walked (read: "crawled" / "flew") the red green carpet) and I was lucky enough to be there.  Also in our midst?  One CHEVY CHASE.  Color me giddy.

{if only you weren't older than my father...}
In preparation for the evening, I watched Caddyshack, Oprah's SNL reunion episode from this week, and reviewed my favorite Clark Griswold lines (hence this post's title).  I watch "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" at least every week once December rolls around, and my sister and I can often be heard quoting the lines to each other and snickering at the dinner table during Christmastime.  What can I say, the man is a hoot and a half.

Some of my favorite lines from the night:

Thirty minutes after his arrival:
Me: We're gonna go take your picture with some of the animals now, if that's okay with you.
Chevy: Wait, there are animals here?
Me: Yes sir, lots of them.
Chevy: And you know you're one of them.
Me: I was gonna say the same to you, but I wasn't sure we were at that comfort level yet.
Chevy: (laughs) -- the fact that I made him laugh made my night.

After taking the glass of red wine I got for him:
Me: Here you are!
Chevy: Look at this girl! But, wait, what are you, thirteen?
Me: Very funny. I'll have you know I'm 24.
Chevy: Well you look thirteen. 
Me: Sigh. I wasn't sure if you liked merlot or cabernet, so I guessed...
Chevy: What? Oh hell, I don't care. It's wine.

During a photo opportunity with Robert Redford, his wife, and the president of NWF:
Mrs. Chase: Wait, I'll take off my coat for this.
Robert Redford: And I'll take off my jacket.
Chevy (to photographers and the whole room): If everyone could hold tight for a second, I'll just take off my pants...
When all was said and done (and laughed about), it was an incredible night.  It was an honor to meet the Chevmeister and I can honestly say he is as funny in life as he is onscreen.  He kept everyone in stitches for several hours - I will fondly refer to last night as WNL (Wednesday Night Live).  Different day, equally hysterical.

{Me and CC}

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