Sunday, March 13, 2011

Handy Candy

This weekend while at CVS, I make the mistake of walking through the candy aisle.  I should have just looked straight ahead and kept moving, like those horses in Charleston with blinders on their heads.  But alas, I turned, I looked, and I was hooked.

Peanut butter M&Ms are a vice for me.  A big one.  If you've ready any other blog posts, my pb/choco obsession will not come as a shock to you.  Plus, mainstream grocery/convenience stores don't always carry the PB variety of M&Ms (whomever makes these foolish inventory decisions should be fired), so when I do spot that b-e-a-u-ti-ful bright orange bag among the ranks of the candy display, my heart races and I inevitable scoop up a bag or two.  Or, in this weekend's case, a one pound sack.  I know, my gluttony is semi-gross, but they were on sale.  For THIRTY NINE CENTS.

At first I assumed there was a cruel typo on the price tag, and was going to employ what little self-control I maintain in the face of such amazingness.  Just to be sure though, I price-checked a bag, and after the rock-bottom cost was confirmed, I rang that sucker up quicker than you can say "sugar high."  In the name of balance (and over-indulgence), I also threw in a bag of Starburst jelly beans.  Some may say it's overkill, but since I got all two pounds of sugar for under two bucks, I just like to think that I jumped on the budget bandwagon. Happy Easter, kiddos.

{my tummy hurts}

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